Oliver is getting a second chance at… | Alannah & Madeline Foundation Skip to main content

Oliver, 4, was under the care of his grandmother, Stella, who faced numerous challenges in caring for him due to her health issues. When Oliver's aunt, Bryony, and her partner David arrived to pick him up for a pre-arranged visit, they discovered that Stella and Oliver weren’t home, and Stella wasn’t answering calls.

Knowing Stella’s history and fearful for Oliver's well-being, they reached out to the authorities for assistance. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as they anxiously awaited updates. Then, one afternoon, the police finally located Oliver and Stella.

When they found Oliver, he hadn't had a proper meal or drink in quite some time, and he was showing signs of severe neglect. The car Stella and Oliver had seemingly been sleeping in was not safe for a young child. Concerned for Oliver, who was pale and malnourished, the police immediately took him to the hospital.

Bryony and David hurried to the hospital to reunite with Oliver, who, fortunately, was in a stable condition. While at the hospital, they were given a Buddy Bag—a gift for Oliver, generously provided thanks to you! Inside were comforting items and essentials, including a toothbrush, toothpaste, a brush, pyjamas, games, a storybook, and a plush toy.

"A sense of relief washed over me," Bryony recalled, “knowing that we weren’t alone in supporting and caring for Oliver made us feel so comforted in a terrifying time.”

In the following days and weeks, the contents of the Buddy Bag proved invaluable as Oliver adjusted to his new life with Bryony and David, helping him feel safe and secure. Today, Oliver is a thriving 10-year-old, happily playing every day with his young cousin Ethan* who was born not long after Oliver came to his new home.

Although Oliver was very young when he received the Buddy Bag and may not remember it, Bryony will always cherish the strength and support it provided during those crucial early weeks of settling into his new home. "Of course, he’s grown out of the pyjamas now – but he didn’t want to give them up! We still have the backpack, though and the teddy bear went with him everywhere for such a long time!”

"At that tough life-altering moment for all of us, the Buddy Bag was a gesture that said, ‘We see you, you matter’ and it was a reminder that when we feel like we are alone, that is far from the reality. There are complete strangers out there who truly care about others," Bryony reflected.